ANBU Kakashi x you story - Chapter 2 - SmushyMutt (2024)

Chapter Text

As the first light of dawn filters through the windows, Kakashi wakes up. He stretches his long limbs before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Time to get started with his morning routines before meeting up with you for more planning. He rubs his temples with his hands as he thinks about what’s in store, knowing it’s crucial you find a way to work together today.

(This mission is critical, perhaps one of the most significant we have yet to undertake. The Dragon Council’s influence is growing, and if we don’t stop them now it could have dire consequences for everyone)

He takes a shower and eats a light breakfast as he reflects over the challenges of working together with you. Your working relationship has always been marked with tension and conflict, but he has always approached your arguments with a sense of detachment, often finding a wry amusem*nt in your fiery retorts. He saw your bickering as a natural part of your working relationship, something that added a spark to your interactions rather than a serious obstacle to overcome. But lately you had somehow managed to get under his skin and challenging his patience like never before.

(Vixen… she’s strong, skilled and intelligent, but damn she knows how to push my buttons. After yesterday’s bickering we finally seemed to take a step in the right direction, but we’re not there yet. We need to find a balance if we’re going to pull this off)

Kakashi left his apartment and headed towards the ANBU headquarters. Most of the village was still sleeping, the fresh morning air lifted his spirits. As he walks down the empty streets with his hands in his pockets his thoughts start to wander.

That accidental touch yesterday and your flustered reaction had caught him off guard. The glimpses of vulnerability you had displayed, if only just for a moment, was not something he had seen before and somehow it had lingered in the back of his mind ever since.

(That touch… She seemed genuinely flustered. There’s more to her than the tough exterior she shows. Maybe if I can reach that part of her, we can connect on a level that will make us stronger as a team?)

As he arrives at the entrance to the headquarter he closes his eyes and take a long deep breath to let go of yesterday’s frustrations and prepare himself mentally for the challenges ahead.

(She’s right about one thing though – we need to be able to adapt. A rigid plan won’t survive contact with the enemy. I need to listen to her instincts and blend them with my strategies. Together, we can cover each other’s ‘weaknesses. Today we make progress. Today we find a way to work together. I need to stay calm, stay focused and keep an open mind. We’re stronger together and I have to ensure we both see that)

And with those thoughts in mind Kakashi entered the building.


The ANBU headquarters briefing room was bathed in a soft glow of the morning light. You were sitting at the mission table, your thoughts focused on the day ahead. You had spent the previous night at the Night market, allowing yourself to reflect and unwind. The decision to approach today with a more cooperative mindset was a conscious one.

The door opens and Kakashi enters the room, you look up from the documents you are reviewing. You offer him a small but genuine smile, a stark contrast to your usual guarded expression.

(Okay Komatsu, you can do this. Happy thoughts. Today is a new day. Yesterday was just your rehearsal let’s make it count today)

“Good morning Kakashi. I hope you slept well.” Your tone is warmer than usual, even with a hint of friendliness breaking through your usual tension. You have made up your mind to start the day on a positive note, showing that you are willing to meet him halfway even though it may feel a bit forced to begin with.

“Morning, Vixen. You’re here early. I did sleep well, thank you. And you?” His reply sounds pleased and slightly surprised as well.

You nod at him. “I did. I spent some time at the Night Market and managed to clear my head. I think it helped.”

“Alright, let’s pick up where we left off. We need to finalize our cover story as a married couple involved in the rare weapon trade. Any new thoughts?”

“Yeah, we need to build on what's already established. How about we say we’ve been married for five years and have been in the rare weapon trading business for even longer?”

Kakashi smirks. “Five years, huh? That’s a lot of time to spend with you.”

“Try to keep up, Kakashi.” You send him a confident smile. “Let’s say we started off as competitors in the trade, but realized we were stronger together and decided to join forces. Our marriage solidified our partnership.” You grin at him, showing your full row of perfect white teeth.

Kakashi chuckles. “A marriage of convenience that turned into a powerhouse trading duo. I can work with that. But what about our backgrounds? Where are we from?”

”Oh, so now you’re interested in details huh?” You respond in a lighthearted playful tone. “We could say we’re from a small village on the border known for its skilled blacksmiths and traders. It would explain our expertise and access to rare weapons.”

“Sounds plausible. And our initial meeting?”

“We met at a prestigious weapons auction. You were about to lose to a better bidder—me—but we decided to combine our resources instead. Obviously, I was the brains behind that decision.” You grin mischievously at him with narrowed catlike eyes.

Kakashi raises an eyebrow at you. “Is that so? I seem to remember you practically begging for my help.” He gives you an eyesmile.

You laugh. “In your dreams, Kakashi! But fine, let’s go with that. And what about our roles within the business?”

”You handle the social side, talking to people, gathering information. I’ll stick to the shadows, observe, and analyze. It plays to both our strengths.”

“I guess that means you’ll be the strong, silent type. Suits you.”

”And you’ll be the one charming everyone with your sparkling personality”

“My charm, huh? You think I’m charming, Kakashi?” You raise an eyebrow at him.

He smirks. “Let’s just say you have your moments.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Meanwhile, you can use that brooding presence of yours to scout the area. Just try not to scare the villagers too much.” You grin. “Now, how do we make our presence known to the Dragon Council without attracting unwanted attention?”

“We start by visiting key locations like the blacksmith and the tavern. Drop hints about our business and our interest in expanding our trade network.”

“A few high-profile sales to get noticed. We could show off a couple of rare weapons we brought with us, enough to pique their interest.”

“And if anyone asks, we’re looking to establish new trade routes and partnerships. We can use our supposed history and expertise to back up our claims.”

“Think you can handle being charming and persuasive, Mr. High Profile?” You give him a teasing look with a hint of challenge gleaming in your eyes.

“I think I can manage. Just don’t scare off all our potential clients with your... direct approach.” Kakashi smirks back.

You break out in a heartfelt laughter. “I’ll be on my best behavior. Maybe…”

The tension from yesterday seems to have almost vanished and you could feel yourself relax for once. You actually enjoyed this more playful side of him, who would have thought the presumed cold-blooded killer possessed humor.

Kakashi smile at you but also takes on a more serious facial expression. “Alright, let’s talk about contingencies. What’s our escape plan if things go south?”

“We’ll use the alleyways here and here. I’ll scout them out beforehand to make sure they’re clear. And if all else fails, we can rendezvous at the old mill on the outskirts. It’s abandoned and offers good cover.” You point at the village map that’s on the mission table.

“Solid plan. And what about our signal if things go south?”

“A simple hand gesture should do. Something discreet but clear.”

”Sounds good. We’re covering all our bases.”

As the planning progressed you felt the tension from yesterday had developed into a sense of camaraderie and a recognition that you were stronger together. Your combined skills and perspectives created a balanced approach to the mission.

“You know, I think we might just pull this off without killing each other.” Kakashi leans over and bumps his shoulder into yours. A friendly gesture.

“Don’t get too comfortable now. I still might punch you if you start lecturing me.” Your tone was playful, but your heart rate spiked when your bodies touched. A mild panic starting to spread inside.

(f*ck.. Focus on the mission, focus on the mission)

He chuckles. “Noted. I’ll keep the lectures to a minimum.”

“Seriously though, I appreciate you trying to see things from my perspective. It makes a difference.”

”Likewise. We’re both stubborn, but it seems to be working in our favor.”

You ended your second day on a good note. The air in the ANBU headquarters has shifted noticeably and a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect is growing steadily between you. With the planning now successfully wrapped up you can turn your attention to the more practical aspects of the mission, gathering supplies. You agree to meet up at the market square tomorrow to buy the things you’ll need for the mission and your undercover identities.

As you wave goodbye to Kakashi a sense of satisfaction fills you. You actually did pretty good today all things considered. You will be leaving for your mission in just a few days’ time so there is no time to waste. Content you start walking home, but this time with a smile on your face.


The next day you meet up with Kakashi. The village market was bustling with activity. Stalls lined the streets, offering everything from fresh produce to finely crafted goods. You moved through the crowds with purposeful strides, both focused on the supplies that you would need.

“We’ll need a variety of weapons to support our cover. Let’s get some high-quality kunai, shuriken and maybe a few more exotic items to sell our story.” Kakashi scouts the stalls.

“Agreed. And we should also get some personal items that a traveling couple might have. It will make our cover more believable.”

“You mean like a matching set of teacups?” Kakashi grins.

You laugh. “Sure, why not? It adds to the authenticity. Plus, I’ve always wanted to see you sipping tea from a delicate cup”.

“Theres’s a weapon merchant over there. Let’s go have a look.” Kakashi points at a stall displaying an array of finely crafted weapons.

You make your way over and you immediately start to inspect the goods and Kakashi engages in a conversation with the merchant.

“These are the finest kunai you’ll find in the market. Perfectly balanced and razor-sharp.” The merchant makes a gesture towards the kunais in front of you.

You pick up one to test the weight and balance of the blade. “They’ll do. We’ll take a few sets.”

“And we’ll need some shuriken as well. How much for both?” Kakashi asks the merchant.

“For you two, I’ll give a special price.” The merchant places a few shuriken in front of Kakashi.

You raise an eyebrow half suspiciously. “Special price, huh? Better not be too special…” You mumble.

“We’ll take them. Thank you!” Kakashi quickly steps in front of you before you could mess up the deal he was trying to make with the merchant.

When you were done with your weapon purchase you decided to split up and grab the other stuff you need. You agreed to meet up at the head quarters later. You still needed to find new clothes so that was your next stop.

It was late afternoon when you finally made your way back to the briefing room. Kakashi was already there waiting for you. He had laid out the items he had purchased and you added yours to the pile as well.

“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.” Kakashi’s trained eye ran over the items spread out on the table.

“I’ve got some clothes for our cover as well. Can’t really stroll in in full battle gear now can we.” You grin.

“No, you’re right. Good job Vixen. The Hokage also left us some special rare weapons to sell. Those should definitely attract the Dragon Council’s interest.”

The mention of rare weapons brought a spark of interest to your eyes. Kakashi looked at you and smiled under his mask. He grabbed a tightly packed bundle from the ground and placed it on the table. He slowly unfolded the cloth, revealing the shiny metal that was hidden underneath.

“These are the rare weapons the Hokage provided. We’ll need to make sure we know everything about them to sell our story convincingly.”

You picked up the blades one by one, carefully examining each one carefully, admiring their craft and beauty. The weapons were a mix of beautifully crafted swords, unique throwing stars, kunais and an elegant bow with arrows.

“These are impressive! They’ll definitely draw attention. We need to make sure we present them right.”

Kakashi nods. “Seems like we got everything we need. Now, we should focus on getting our combat skills in sync. We should meet up at the training grounds tomorrow for some sparring sessions.”

“Agreed. Let’s spend the next few days sparring. It’s crucial that we’re in perfect sync when it comes to close combat.”

(I’m confident I can beat his ass in a spar. He won’t even know what hit him, hah)

“Alright then I’ll see you at the training grounds tomorrow.”

“Looking forward to it.”


The next day Kakashi met up with you at the training grounds as agreed. The air was thick with a competitive edge as he could sense your determination. He knew this session would be intense, a true test of both your capabilities. Kakashi looked you over as you took a battle stance in the sparing ring.

“Ready to get your ass kicked, Kakashi?” You gave him a co*cky smile.

(Hah little brat)

Kakashi chuckled. “We’ll see about that. Remember, its not just about strength but also strategy and anticipation.”

He studied you as your facial expression changed. Seems like he struck a nerve there.

“Bring it on.”

“Alright.” He stepped inside the ring and took up a defensive stance.

He watches you carefully as you begin sparring. Your strikes are aggressive and confident, but he matches every one of your blows with a calm, measured defense.

(She’s pushing hard today. I can tell she’s frustrated, but I need to keep this controlled. We can’t afford any injuries before the mission)

He can feel your angry stare bore deep into his visible eye. “Stop holding back, Kakashi! Fight me for real!” Your voice is dripping with anger.

(Oh my, she sure if feisty today)

He gracefully slides away from a strike. “I’m just trying to make sure we don’t hurt each other.”

“Don’t give me that bullsh*t, Kakashi. You think I can’t handle it?!” Your frustration clearly visible.

He gives you an evasive smile. “It’s not that I don’t think you can’t handle it, we just need to stay sharp for the mission.”

(She’s right, but I can’t risk any of us suffering major injury. I need to find a balance between challenging her and keeping her safe)

He decides to step up his game and match your aggression with equal intensity. Your strikes are fast and fierce but his parries every blow with precision. He admires your skill and determination, but he can’t help but notice your growing frustration.

(She’s incredible. Her strength and speed are impressive, but she’s letting her frustration drive her)

“Stop treating me like I’m fragile!”

“I’m not. But we need to stay in one piece.”

Your attacks become more unpredictable and Kakashi feels the challenge intensifying. You both manage to land blows and kicks at each other but nothing that makes the other one yield. Both of you are nearing your limit by now, your breaths are heavy and muscles sore and tense.

“I must give you, you’re good Vixen. Very good. Not many can match me in a spar.” Kakashi is panting.


(She’s good. Really giving me a run for the money but it’s time to end this. This has dragged on too long)

Kakashi catches your wrist and twists your arm enough to throw you off balance. With a swift movement he sweeps your legs from under you but as you’re going down you grab him by the collar and drag him in the fall. A surprised look flashes over his face as you are both free falling for a few seconds before your back lands on the ground with a loud thud and the air gets pressed out of your lungs. Kakashi follows and lands on top of you a split second later, his arms breaking the fall so he doesn’t crush you with his weight.

He looks down at you. Your noses just inches apart. The sudden closeness created an awkward tension as your breaths mingled. He could feel his heart racing like crazy and it was not just from the exertion of the sparring. For a moment he couldn’t move. He could feel the heat slowly rising in his cheeks and he quickly pulled himself off you.


“Nice move.” He breathes heavily with a hint of surprise in his voice.

You catch your breath as you pump yourself up on your elbows. “Didn’t see that one coming did you.”

He stands up and offers you a hand. You take it and brush yourself off.

“I think that’s enough for today. Let’s meet up again tomorrow.”

“Yeah thanks for today, Kakashi.”

(I’m truly impressed. She really gave her all today. But I need to stay focused. This is no time to get distracted)

You parted ways and agreed to meet up again tomorrow. The unspoken tension from your close encounter was left hanging in the air like a crackling thunder cloud, a silent acknowledgment of a connection you both felt but was reluctant to address.

Kakashi brushed the thoughts away. It was probably just some misunderstanding. A list of coincidences. Nothing to worry about. Right?

ANBU Kakashi x you story - Chapter 2 - SmushyMutt (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.