Güncellenme tarihi:
21 Nis 2017
- İngilizce (ABD)
398 pts
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21 Nis 2017
- İngilizce (ABD)
4.46K pts
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It may seem a little strange to link (not "to be linking")
The car represents now (not "represent")
This is very good. Is it a speech/presentation? There are some punctuation errors, but those won't matter if it's a speech.
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23 Nis 2017
- İngilizce (ABD)
398 pts
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@sixessseven I don't think so, I'm a professional writer and I know what I'm doing.Thanks anyway for your try this was my attempt to check everyone's level and I guess you're the only one who tried truly to help so I'll say hats off for you :)
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19 Eki 2021
- İngilizce (ABD)
- Hintçe
0 pts
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‘प्रतिकूल कार्य’ मुहावरे
‘आत्मनिर्भर होना’ मुहावरे
‘टेढ़ी खीर होना’ मुहावरे
‘कमर कसना’ मुहावरे
‘गर्दन उठाना’ मुहावरे
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