Turizmde Yeni Trendler (2025)

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Tourism Research in a Changing World

Joanna Kosmaczewska, Antonio Magliulo

The Monograph "Tourism Research in a Changing World" includes a set of 22 articles that result from papers presented at the 2th International Conference of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. This conference was organized by a consortium formed by Tourism Research Group of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (GITUR), Portugal, and two Polish institutions: the University School of Physical Education in Poznan and the University of Economy in Bydgoszcz, being promoted by EJTHR - European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation. In our increasingly complex and diverse world, the problems facing the tourism research community are also increasingly heterogeneous and multifaceted. It is therefore natural and even vital that the development of tourism studies must be strongly supported by research networks that reflect an intense collaborative work of many researchers worldwide. This Monograph is a clear expression of this new collaborative environment, since the articles published here represent the efforts of the 45 researchers from 8 countries, namely: Brazil, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Serbia and Spain. But it is also the contribution of 50 other researchers from 13 countries, who kindly agreed to review the articles submitted by authors. It was up to the task of giving publishers an overall coherence to the document, standardizing it and framing the various contributions. The Monography is structured in three parts. The first one is dedicated to the issue of sustainability and competitiveness in tourism sector. Three measurements systems are presented: ETIS Model, NECSTouR Model and DBI Model. The impact of tourism for the sustainable development is addressed in conection with the Blue Flag (for the case of coastal tourism), rural tourism, natural environment, cultural tourism attraction (in the example of the Festival Wedding in Heidelberg). The social responsability (in the case of Amazon River), the solid waste management in mountain tourism (the case of Serbia) and the tourism as a factor of regional economic development in Middle East, are also issues deserving the readers‘ attention. The second part of the Monograph the tourism competitiveness is analysed in close conection with three important factors: cooperation, innovation and creativity. The role of creativity and innovation in the tourism development is illustrated on the cases of the Polish cities and of the Polish region of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship, and as mean for participation of foster family members in tourism and recreation. The innovation in the tourism sector is also presented in connection with the cooperation (the case of Krakow). But the cooperation is itself be nuclear issue in new conceptualization of tourism destination, as it is referred in the Jovicic‘s article. The last part of the Monograph, titled ―Current Issues of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation‖ presents nine chapters of tourism research agenda, ranging from the conceptual level of the phenomenology of tourism to the highly specific issue of holiday preferences of Polish vegans, but addressing issues so diverses like medicinal and thermal tourism, city running tours, timesharing, catering in rural open museums or web communication.

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A New Trend in Tourism Industry

Douar Aicha

The aim of this paper is to share a research result. When writing a thesis about the Tuaregs of the Algerian Sahara and the Navajo of the American Sahara, a geographical remarkable commonness imposed itself as an eminent visionary idea. Five photos of Monument Valley were shown to thirty Algerian people. They were asked to name the places which the photos represented. The result of the survey was quite interesting since they all asserted they were photos of the Hoggar region in the Algerian Sahara. This result is an essence for dealing with similar touristic places that exist in the world. Documentary film makers and fashion designers can contribute in emancipating this new trend of tourism. They can take people, within a short period of time, to both places.

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Tourism Abstracts: 10th Annual International Conference

Gregory T Papanikos


This abstract book includes all the summaries of the papers presented at the 10th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece, organized by the Tourism Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 41 papers, coming from 18 different countries (Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, Egypt, France, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uruguay and USA). The conference was organized into 11 sessions that included areas of Tourism and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.

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8.-eRTR_BKRVW_Vol.13-No3.4_Tourism-Research-Frontiers (1).pdf

Maximiliano E. Korstanje

A Book Review: Tourism Research Frontiers: beyond the boundaries of Knowledge * In only eight chapters and 165 pages, this book discusses the needs of introducing new themes of investigation in the specialized literature of tourism research. Likely, this globalized world looks pretty different from a couple of decades back, when the discipline was founded. New times, new horizons and new challenges need new thinking. As a part of prestigious Emerald Series, Chambers and Rakic present an edited book, oriented to expand the epistemological boundaries of tourism research, imagining not only new themes and issues to explore but new problems. Based on the legacy of Jafar Jafari, the editors worked hard to compile different voices, dotted of different arguments, into a shared viewpoint. In the first chapter, the editors introduce the concept of frontiers as the fringe between the known and unknown. The fieldwork suggests that we shed light on some issues while others remain unchecked. The legitimacy of academic disciplines rests on their explanatory capacity. These borders, far from being stable, are in continuous renegotiation. Though tourism-research has been consolidated as a promising academic option for graduate and postgraduate students, a radical turn undermines the dominant understanding of tourism as it has been formulated by the founding parents. Most certainly, beyond tourism, critical scholars unveiled a commoditized discourse where the " Other " is subordinated to a ruling class of developed countries. As something else than a peace-making industry, tourism covers racialized allegories which lead to control of the periphery. This paradigm sees in tourism an alienatory mechanism of surveillance. Nonetheless, this book proposes an alternative way. Instead of proclaiming the dismantling of epistemological borders of tourism, the editors suggest a shift offering a fertile ground to shore up new paradigms. Through the second chapter, Gyimothy et al, discuss the ebbs and flows of popculture tourism which represents an extension of cultural behaviour in a globalized and multiculturalist universe. In chapter 3, Mondoca presents a study case based on the relationships of stakeholders in Ilha do Grande, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Those communities

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Kennedy Rolando Lomas Tapia

The main aim of the Meeting in 2017 is to share the scientific knowledge and development in tourism, travel and hospitality area by providing a platform to share the most recent research, innovations and achievement in different topics on Tourism knowledge. The interdisciplinary and international character of the Meeting allows the researchers from all knowledge fields on Tourism to share different perspectives to tackle the complexity of reality, joining together efforts to analyze, evaluate and predict future situations.

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Tourism Abstracts: 13th Annual International Conference

Gregory T Papanikos


This book includes the abstracts of all the papers presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 29-31 May & 1 June 2017, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER). In total 20 papers were submitted by 23 presenters, coming from 15 different countries (Australia, China, France, Hong Kong, Iceland, Lebanon, Morocco, Palermo, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA). The conference was organized into 9 sessions that included a variety of topic areas such as Tourism Market, Tourism Development, Culture. A full conference program can be found beginning on the next page. In accordance with ATINER’s Publication Policy, the papers presented during this conference will be considered for inclusion in one of ATINER’s many publications.

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From a traditional to a contemporary consideration of a tourism destination

Dobrica Jovicic

The strong rise of tourism as an economic and socio-cultural phenomenon is primarily caused by consumption of the growing number of tourists, who temporarily leave their place of residence and go to the various destinations, which are a target of tourist's movements. The paper is the review of the key tourism destination concepts, whose emergence is the result of intensive development of tourism, maturation of theoretical thought, and theorists attempt to influence the practice of tourism development to a greater extent than in the past. The traditional view of the destination is largely based on its geographical characteristics. This means that the destination is the geographical unit visited by tourists, regardless its boundaries. Thus, the destination can be a self-contained centre, as well as a country or a continent. According to the traditional concept, the tourists are seen as consumers in a destination only, and the co-operation between the destination stakeholders are not seen as essential in constituting a destination. Mid-1990s marked the beginning of a systemic approach to a destination, according to which it is perceived in a more comprehensive and complex way. The systemic concept of a destination is focused on the interaction between tourists, staff in industries that provide tourism services, and local population. Nowadays it is actual understanding of a destination as a complex adaptive system, which attracts attention with its comprehensiveness and in-depth approach. Complex adaptive systems are called adaptive because their elements adapt to events around them. The interactions among their elements are carried out according to certain rules, and are of a dynamic nature. They are influenced by and influence the external environment, and such systems have the capacity to learn from experience and change.

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zafer cengiz

World Travel & Tourism Comission has declared a historical report, 11 Years before which formulated the main features of Global Tourism Industry and recommended individual Governments a simple set of main principles of "measures to be taken" for attaining a healthy common growth in worldwide partnership. But this recepie is not fully realized and the aimed calalizor effect within the message has not been widely attained. Having serviced this Vital Report to Turkish market in 'Turkish executive summary' format, now we present this DoC from our Archives for your kind interest.

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Tourism Abstracts: 14th Annual International Conference

Gregory T Papanikos


This book includes the abstracts of all the papers presented at the 14th Annual International Conference on Tourism (11-14 June 2018), organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).

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Tourism Abstracts: 15th Annual International Conference

Gregory T Papanikos


This book includes the abstracts of all the papers presented at the 15th Annual International Conference on Tourism (10-13 June 2019), organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).

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Turizmde Yeni Trendler (2025)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.