Chris Olsen opened up to his fans about intimate photos of him that are circulating online. The 26-year-old content creator took to social media this weekend to address NSFW photos and videos that have been shared on social media platforms, including X (formerly Twitter). He issued a lengthy statement on the matter, explaining that he did not consent to them being shared online and asking fans to stop circulating them. Keep reading to find out more… Read his full statement, which was shared on Instagram, below: “I never was a p*rn star and never consensually agreed to any of these photos or videos being released on the internet. trigger warning for this story because it talks about SA. As all of you know at this point i went to rehab when i was 19 and was such a bad addict by then that my liver was failing and i couldn’t go to sleep sober anymore. well when i got sober at 19 my mind didnt change overnight and i still engaged in activity im not proud of at all. when i got sober i lost a lot of weight and started working out and started feeling good about how i looked physically for the first time in my life. i would post fitness photos on instagram all the time and had gained a small following from that. from there, photographers would reach out and ask to collaborate with me where id take photos with them and tag them and it would be mutually beneficial and no money was involved. with most of these photographers I had a really good time and while sometimes the photos would essentially just be thirst traps, i almost always felt comfortable. that was until i shot with one photographer who crossed the line of what i was comfortable with. when we first shot together he immediately had me sign a release for the photos that were were going to take, which he said was standard and he needed me to sign in order for us to start which, being 19 and unfamiliar with the entertainment world, i complied with without realizing what I was actually doing, and then he immediately made me remove everything. I don’t want to go into the details as it continues to trigger me and can be triggering for others, but what happened with this photographer was unconsensual[sic], yet i didn’t know how to say no because he had power and i had no idea how to stand up for myself. i was supposed to know how to say no, how to make the right decisions, life was supposed to be good now, right? and yet here i was letting myself be violated and not even standing up for myself. trying to show my discomfort, physically moving away, trying to find excuses to not spend any more time around him, but never saying ‘no’. so to this day i can’t say that i really tried. i didnt. and the photos were taken. multiple shoots happened and i let them. and then he posted them on a platform that you had to pay for, but people screenshotted them and from there it was over. this situation challenged me. i had an experience with SA when i was in high school and drunk, but for this one i was sober. i regressed back to unhealthy habits specifically with the way i used my body. i was desperate to get validation on my own terms. there are videos of me circulating doing just that. But i am 19 and 20 in those videos, i made them on my own volition, and i have to stand by the fact that during all of this, i never said no. But today i am. im saying i do not want these things to circulate anymore and i hope that’s enough. i know it might not be, and i know i have to stand by the fact that i made them, but im in the process of forgiving myself and i hope you can try to forgive me too. i know not everyones gonna like me, but if you are going to hate me, please let it be in a way that isn’t continuously traumatizing me.” Chris also read the statement in a video on TikTok, which you can see below:
Just Jared on Facebook
Photos: Getty
Posted to: Chris Olsen